Loss & Grief Bursary for those who work with the bereaved
Do you know someone who works with the bereaved? You may want to let them know about this great opportunity to win a $3000 education bursary. Alex Gow Funerals is committed to supporting those who care for the bereaved, particularly those who work in aged care. Alex Gow has now created this bursary specifically to […]
How to Help a Friend Through Grief
Grief is awkward and difficult; it’s something we tend to shy away from if we can help it. If you have never experienced grief, you may be at a loss to know what to say or do. Here are some hints from someone who has been there and come out the other side stronger. You […]
Healing your holiday grief
Practical Ideas for Blending Mourning and Celebration by Alex Gow Funerals consultant Dr Alan D. Wolfelt. If you could go back in time and relive a special holiday, which one would you choose? Close your eyes for a moment and think about this holiday. Now, slowly, walk through this memory in your mind. What made it […]
Helping a Grandparent Who Is Grieving
Helping a Grandparent Who Is Grieving by Alex Gow Funerals and Dr Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D. A child or young adult has died. Everyone who loved the child is now faced with mourning this tragic, untimely death. The child’s parents are heartbroken. But what about the grandparents? How might they be feeling? How can you […]
Helping a Man Who is Grieving by Alex Gow Funerals Brisbane
Helping a man who is grieving – Provided by Alex Gow Funerals courtesy of Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D. A man you care about is grieving. Someone he loved has died and you would like to help him during this difficult time. This article will help you know what to do and say as you offer […]